The AgriGate Customer360 is an awesome platform developed by TrueNorth with a focus on business in the Secondary Agricultural sector. The solution integrates all customer data and creates a 360-degree view of the customer’s interactions with the business. Through the implementation of advanced analytics, we can start to identify opportunities to better service the customer – this is done by the better and in-time understanding of the customer’s requirements and customizing the business’ offering accordingly.
Focus main areas within the platform includes:
Farm Management (Planning & Actuals)
Commodity Trading Contract Integration
Finance & Debtors Reporting
Have a look at some of the customisable dashboards implemented for one of our industry leading customers. The sample gives a high-level overview a member’s interaction for specific season. Each section has drill-down capability and detailed reports for in-depth and transactional analysis.
Contact us at info@truenorthgroup.co.za should you be interested in running a pilot project for your business or would like more information on this or similar solutions.